Conical Mill

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of Conical Mills, also known as Cone Mills, we specialize in providing high-quality milling solutions for various industries. Cone milling has established itself as one of the most prevalent and efficient methods of material processing, particularly in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical, and associated industries. The versatility and effectiveness of these mills make them indispensable for size reduction and deagglomeration or de-lumping of powders and granules, contributing significantly to product quality and manufacturing efficiency.

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Use of Conical Mill

A conical mill is a machine used to reduce the size of materials using centrifugal force. The mill consists of a rotating impeller and a fixed conical screen. The material to be milled is fed into the mill through a feed hopper. The impeller accelerates the material and forces it against the conical screen. The particles that are small enough to pass through the screen are discharged from the bottom of the mill, while the larger particles are retained and continue to be milled.

The Conical Mill operates on the principle of centrifugal force to achieve precise and controlled size reduction of materials. Its key components and functioning include:

Feed Hopper: The process begins with the material being introduced into the mill through a feed hopper. This hopper can be designed with various features like vibration or screw feeders to ensure consistent material flow.

Rotating Impeller: At the heart of the mill is a high-speed rotating impeller. This impeller serves multiple functions:
- It accelerates the incoming material, imparting kinetic energy.
- Creates a vortex that draws material towards the milling zone.
- Provides initial impact for breaking larger particles.

Conical Screen: Surrounding the impeller is a fixed conical screen. This screen is a critical component:
- Its conical shape creates a graduated milling zone, with coarser milling at the top and finer milling towards the bottom.
- Available in various aperture sizes to control the final particle size of the milled product.
- Can be easily interchanged to adapt to different product requirements.

Milling Action: As the impeller rotates, it forces the material against the conical screen:
- Larger particles are subjected to impact and shearing forces against the screen.
- The conical shape creates a spiral path for the material, increasing residence time and milling efficiency.
- Particles are continuously reduced in size until they are small enough to pass through the screen apertures.

Product Discharge: Milled material that passes through the screen is discharged from the bottom of the mill:
- The discharge can be designed to integrate with subsequent processing equipment or collection systems.
- For wet milling, the discharge may include features to handle liquid-solid mixtures effectively.

Continuous Processing: Larger particles that do not pass through the screen are retained and continue to be milled:
- It ensures a consistent final particle size distribution.
- The continuous nature of the process allows for high throughput and efficiency.


  • Versatile Processing Capabilities

    The Conical Mill is engineered for both Dry & Wet Milling & Grating operations. This dual functionality allows manufacturers to process a wide range of materials without the need for separate equipment. For dry milling, it efficiently reduces particle size and breaks up agglomerates in powders. In wet milling applications, it can handle slurries and wet masses, making it ideal for pharmaceutical wet granulation processes or food puree production.

  • Multiple Capacity Options

    Understanding the diverse needs of our clients, we offer the Conical Mill in Three Models, each designed to cater to different production scales:

    - Small-scale model: Ideal for research and development, small batch production, or pilot plant operations.

    - Medium-scale model: Suitable for medium-sized manufacturing facilities or companies with moderate production demands.

    Large-scale model: Engineered for high-volume industrial production, meeting the needs of large pharmaceutical or food processing plants.

  • Varied Processing Rates

    The three models offer a range of processing capacities to match different production requirements:

    - 0-100 Kg/Hr: This lower capacity range is perfect for smaller batches, allowing precise control over the milling process for sensitive or high-value materials.

    - Up to 250 Kg/Hr: The medium range offers a balance between throughput and control, suitable for most standard production needs.

    - Up to 450 Kg/Hr: High-capacity processing for industrial-scale operations, enabling efficient large-batch production while maintaining product quality.

  • Enhanced Mobility

    Each Conical Mill is mounted on a trolley equipped with lockable wheels. This design feature offers several advantages:

    - Easy relocation within the facility, allowing flexible production line setups.

    - Simplified cleaning and maintenance, as the unit can be easily moved to designated areas.

    - Improved space utilization, as the mill can be stored when not in use and quickly deployed when needed.

    - The lockable wheels ensure stability during operation, preventing unwanted movement.

  • GMP-Compliant Design

    The Conical Mill is built to meet Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards, a critical requirement in pharmaceutical and food processing industries. This GMP Design incorporates several key features:

    - Use of pharmaceutical-grade stainless steel for product-contact parts, ensuring material purity and easy cleaning.

    - Smooth, crevice-free surfaces to prevent product accumulation and facilitate thorough cleaning.

    - Easy disassembly for cleaning and inspection, reducing the risk of cross-contamination between batches.

    - Documentation and traceability features to support regulatory compliance.

  • Vacuum Operation Capability

    The mill's design allows for Vacuum Operation, a crucial feature for processing sensitive materials:

    - Enables processing of oxygen-sensitive compounds by creating an inert environment.

    - Facilitates the milling of volatile materials by preventing loss through evaporation.

    - Enhances safety when dealing with potentially explosive dusts by minimizing dust generation.

    - Improves overall efficiency by reducing product loss and maintaining a cleaner processing environment.


Pharmaceutical Industry
- Size reduction of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to improve bioavailability.
- Deagglomeration of wet granulations in tablet and capsule production.
- Milling of dried granules before compression or encapsulation.
- Particle size reduction for inhalation products.

Food Industry
- Grinding of spices, herbs, and seasonings for uniform flavor distribution.
- Sugar and salt milling for controlled dissolution rates.
- Homogenization of food ingredients for improved texture and mouthfeel.
- Production of fine powders for instant beverage mixes.

Chemical Industry
- Milling of pigments and dyes for enhanced color properties.
- Size reduction of catalysts to increase surface area and reactivity.
- Processing of polymers and plastics for improved molding characteristics.

Cosmetics and Personal Care
- Milling of colorants and active ingredients for even distribution in formulations.
- Deagglomeration of powders for smooth-textured products.
- Processing of natural ingredients like botanical extracts.

Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplements
- Milling of herbal extracts and botanical ingredients.
- Size reduction of vitamins and minerals for better absorption.
- Homogenization of supplement blends for consistent dosing.

A conical mill is a machine used to reduce the size of materials using centrifugal force. The mill consists of a rotating impeller and a fixed conical screen. The material to be milled is fed into the mill through a feed hopper. The impeller accelerates the material and forces it against the conical screen. The particles that are small enough to pass through the screen are discharged from the bottom of the mill, while the larger particles are retained and continue to be milled.